
The End (Not Really)

Well, I did it. Yesterday at 10:30AM I completed my 102nd Bikram yoga class in 101 consecutive days. And I actually did it every day. (That extra class is from the day my studio held it’s grand re-opening; I did a double that day just for fun since everyone was in a celebratory mood. It wasn’t a make-up.)

So how do I feel? It’s hard to put into words. That’s actually why I’ve been kind of quiet on here for the whole last part of the challenge. I’m not sure how to articulately convey my sentiments towards this experience and towards this yoga in general anymore. It seems like nothing I could say would be enough. It would be like trying to dump an ocean into a bathtub. And rather than spilling a drop, right now I’m just kind of holding onto it and savoring it all. (I’m retaining water- ha!)

I think my facebook status on day 99, which just so happened to be my birthday, did a pretty good job of summing up my feelings of late: “Today I turn 0. I figure nothing before Bikram counts… I wasn’t really alive then.”

I plan to leave this blog open for now. Thinking about changing the title... I know there’s more I want to say; I just haven’t found a way to say it yet. I will slowly start dispensing that ocean. Right now, it’s off to yoga! :)