
Still here!

So I’m sure you’ve all probably thought I dropped off the face of the blogosphere, but I’m still here! I didn’t really go anywhere. You’ll notice I’ve changed the title of this blog; now that it’s more than a month post-challenge, this just seemed to make sense. I’m hoping to get back in the swing of blogging and start writing some new posts (maybe some that aren’t even about yoga). I’ve felt the urge lately.

Since the challenge has ended I’ve still been keeping my practice going strong, but I’m also enjoying taking a day or two off each week. I’m happy I’ve found a good balance, because back in the final days of the challenge the prospect of having time off was actually scary to me. I had this big fear that if I didn’t have the commitment of the challenge driving me to go to class everyday, my practice would eventually trail off. So I actually had to mentally gear myself up and plan my first day off after a total 107 consecutive days of practice. At the time, NOT coming to class seemed daunting. I survived though, hahaha! And now I love being able to have my cake and eat it too in terms of still practicing a lot, but also being able to skip a class if there’s something else I want to do. Truthfully though, most of the time I still just want to do yoga.

As an added incentive to get to class, I’m falling more and more in love with my studio and the people there everyday. Thanks to the wonderful folks who took ownership of Bikram Yoga Northampton back on January 1st, there is this crazy positive energy that just keeps building and building. It’s a place I want to be, and it’s really become a community atmosphere. I feel more bonded to the members of our [growing] community than I ever could have imagined, and I’m certain that I will know many of these people for the rest of my life.

On top of all this, recently I’ve been realizing on a deeper and deeper level just how much I want to go to teacher training someday. I plan to write more on that topic later, but it’s just another reason why my fear about my practice getting away from me is fading fast. I think this yoga will always be a part of my life. And hey, even if I do fall off the Bikram wagon at some point, I know the practice will always be there for me, ready and willing to welcome me back and love me unconditionally as soon as I resume my commitment to it. It will be tough love of course, but love nonetheless.

Right now, though, my devotion is in full swing and a week from tomorrow I will actually be traveling to Harlem, NY to see BIKRAM himself give a lecture! I know his lectures can be crazy and all over the place, but I’m just super excited to take it in and feel his energy live and in person! I’ll be sure to write a post about that experience!

That’s all for now- peace, love & yoga!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are posting again - i have missed your yoga insights!
